
$SQUAT – squatty the squat toilet! A meme-token for the ages.

Toilets represent a place of peace, relief and often satisfaction.

Squat toilets are synonymous with the majority of the non-western world, thus, the majority of the global population. They are simple utilities but often misunderstood because of their perceived lack of cleanliness.

Its origins unclear, but likely ~2500BC, the squat toilet is due for some innovation, or ‘a birthday’ as some would say. How can one improve on something so simple you ask? Does it really need any improvement? That is our mission! We look to raise awareness of the long-lost and often forgotten about friend that is there for us day and night, always there to literally deal with our shit!

In a world full of anger, fighting and general disharmony, the squat toilet is a place where every person, regardless of age, can go and relive themselves, usually in peace and quiet. Frogs and spaceships aren’t exactly things we see daily and can resonate with, however, if you’re regular, the toilet is something you’ll see at least once a day, if only just for a few minutes.

Our experienced team is well versed in this space, as early adopters of BTC, but not maxis, we’re well aware of the good and bad things that happen across the crypto world and look to make this meme coin something that everyone around the world can ‘give a shit’ about 🙂

$SQUAT is a meme coin that is designed for all citizens of the world. No matter our colour, religion, location or pronoun, one thing common across us all is our daily requirement for a toilet.

Next time you’re on the toilet, think of $SQUAT and how it may be able to help you one day achieve your hopes and dreams 🙂